středa 13. února 2008

Evaluation of the greek song sung by the czech etwinning team of Gymnasium of Ceska Lipa

After three successful cooperative years with the gymnasium of Ceska Lipa, I thought that I knew my Czech partners very well.
However, to our surprise, one day I saw a file on the twinspace. There was a small video with the greek song “ fourteen nightingales” ( aidonia dekatessera – in greek language ) sung by the Czech students.
I played it in the staff room without saying what it is exactly to my colleagues. Immediately , they asked who sings the traditional song so well with such a good greek accent! I explained to them and all agreed that the Czech etwinning teachers made a great job and that we, the greek etwinning teachers , instructed them how to teach it to their students, in the right way.
The Czech students pronounced the greek words correctly , the lyrics are understandable by everyone who knows and speaks greek. Of course, a native greek speaker realizes the foreign accent at once, but this happens to all languages due to the different sounds the languages have. The important thing is that our partners worked so hard that the result was excellent.
The performance of the song can be compared with a professional one. Very soon , parents and local authorities learnt about this achievement and wanted to listen to it. I wrote the URL of the twinspace on the school notice board so anyone who would like to listen to the song could visit the site.
The feelings we had at school, after listening to them singing, was that of pride, satisfaction, happiness, because we showed them successfully, how to learn the song, other European people sang one of our traditional songs, the greek culture and traditions became part of the Czech school life. We also felt quite moved for the fact that our song touched and inspired other people.
Finally, All these feelings gave us motives and urged us to learn the Czech song Darmo ca ty trapis.

1 komentář:

Naďa Kadlecová řekl(a)...

We are very grateful for your opinion about our song which we sang in Greek. Thanks a lot.