neděle 17. února 2008

About the etwinning project "Music helps us live".

Here are the results of our project: Music helps us live

After working on the etwinning project for a year, students , teachers and the school generally got a lot of benefits.
Students and teachers impoved the knowledge of ICT and the foreign language. Everybody of them is a good user of the twinspace tools and are ready for another etwinning projects.
The students awareness of other European cultures was raised and their interest for learning has increased highly. They consider the lesson a pleasure when cooperating with their European partners , using the twinspace in the meantime. The music and English language lessons were no a burden at all. They were taught how to surf the internet safely and how to evaluate the material they find in it.
The teachers made their lessons very exciting through the project, gave their teaching a European dimension and an intercultural approach , as well. They exchanged teaching methods, were influenced and influenced at the same time their counterparts.
The school enjoys a good reputation not only in local community but across Europe as well.
Certain difficulties arose in the first months, such as students’ lack of good knowledge of twinspace tools ( a group not ivolved in an etwining project before), access to the school’s computer room were successfully overcome, thanks to their willing to participate in something different, something challenging. The principal’s support helped a lot , too. I am sure that next time I will collect a new group of students because I strongly believe that the more students come in contact and work together with Europeans ones, the best results teachers, schools , educational and local community get.

2 komentáře:

Naďa Kadlecová řekl(a)...
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Naďa Kadlecová řekl(a)...

Thank you for your article about our project. For me it was a very nice time when we worked together and I believe that soon we will create a new project again.